A Word from the President

Executive Positions Complete

It is with great pleasure that I let everyone know that Dr. John Galbraith has been co-opted as Director-at-Large, taking on the task of supporting the Quality Improvement initiatives of SIFEI.  This bring our executive back up to the legally required number of 5, and allows us to share the tasks so that no one member is overburdened.

The next elections will be this fall; consider volunteering. A functional MSA is a very important Island Health function that directly affects us all. Consider how you might help your colleagues by participating.


Engagement Projects

In February, the Working Group approved a further 14 projects for funding at $10,000 each. Funding comes from SSC, and because of some recent changes to this, we may not be able to have another “opening” for requests till the fall. We will let everyone know of the options as soon as we do.


Medical Staff Rules and Reorganization

Neither of these are finalized. We continue to support several members to attend the Legislative Committee, re-writing the Rules.  We are at an important juncture: discussing the role of the MSA to ensure physicians are respected within the system. We particularly need feedback from those who have experienced problems regarding administrative decisions, or have systemic, disciplinary or harassment concerns. Comments can be sent directly to Catherine Jenkins, Chair, or to me privately for anonymous feedback.

Hopefully this committee will finish its work in the next 6 weeks.



The Medical Staff Bylaws are clear (and consistent with those for every health authority in BC). The Executive must collect the dues established at the AGM of the Medical Staff Association, and to keep privileges, they must be paid. The amount has not changed for over a decade, and the notices will be sent out soon. The majority respond promptly, but a small number don’t seem to realise (or say they don’t realise) that membership – and dues payment — is a requirement under the Bylaws. The MSA is the only body that has physician well-being and support as its primary focus in the health authority, and non-participation affects all of us. Participation is not optional: changing the amount, or telling us to do things differently is, for everyone — but only at the next AGM.


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