Vancouver Island Interdisciplinary Sexual Medicine Working Group

Project Details

  • Departments/Divisions: Urology, Gynecology, Psychiatry, Family Practice
  • Physician Leads: Dr. Nathan Hoag, Urology
  • Budget: $8,275.00

About the Project

Due to the fragmented nature of sexual medicine provision on Vancouver Island, an interdisciplinary working group was struck to create a framework for care, align team members, and streamline processes.  Dr. Nathan Hoag received an FEI grant to bring together South island urologists, gynecologists, psychiatrists, general practitioners, and VIHA sexual health nurses.  Although each of these practitioners provides care to sexual medicine patients, it was often unknown to other providers which services and expertise were available.

Dr. Nathan Hoag led the project through three stages:

  • At the initial Working Group meeting, the interdisciplinary team identified the needs of Victoria-based medical staff and their patients, and defined the key players in the provision of sexual medicine in the area.
  • The second meeting enabled key stakeholders to delve into issues surrounding sexual medicine care in Victoria.
  • The third and final meeting was surgical in nature, to resolve challenges that had been identified in the previous steps.

Dr. Hoag feels that the FEI project has achieved its desired results:

  • A sexual medicine working group has been created and is sustainable,
  • The interdisciplinary framework has been set up,
  • Lines of communication have been opened between the various disciplines, and
  • All participants agree that this process has ultimately benefited their provision of medicine.

Dr. Hoag shared that, “the completion of this project will spawn future meetings and journal clubs and has ultimately set about improving the delivery of sexual medicine in Victoria.”

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