A Word from the President: Summer 2018

Summer has been quiet but there are 5 short and important items to share with you:

  1. Congratulations to our South Island Hospitalist colleagues who finally have a contract.
  2. Sincere thanks to Kim Kerrone in her role as CFO and VP for proposing the work, and to Dr. Martin Wale (now with the ministry) for supporting it.  They brought together the Executive team and the Hospitalists to engage in this process, which would not have happened without their perseverance, professionalism, and passion. Thanks, Kim and Martin.
  3. I also want to acknowledge the critical role of the Vested process for providing a blueprint for ongoing dialogue.  To everyone who has been, and who will continue to be, involved in this work, thank you.
  4.  A shout out also has to go to both our colleagues in Nanaimo and to administration who seem to be clearly moving towards a better working relationship, as shown by the joint communique.  A better working culture will help us all.
  5. We are currently seeking applications for the next tranche of FEI-funded Engagement & Quality Initiative projects, and have just received further clarification of the funding rules from the SSC.  Generally these map to our own learning over the years, but if you have any questions, please contact Clara or a member of the Executive. We all want to avoid colleagues working up proposals which probably aren’t fundable, although we are always prepared to push the limits if it promotes engagement and better patient care.
  6. Medical Affairs has launched a Medical Staff website.  It has a different focus than ours, but we are trying for good co-ordination so that a) we are not talking at cross purposes, and b) the number of communications you get will be thoughtfully monitored.

In the meantime, explore our developing South Island MSA website: there is an opportunity for private conversations with your colleagues in fora. We will have a discussion at out next business meeting about how to best accommodate clinical colleagues who also hold administrative positions, yet also preserve the privacy of discussions.

Your Executive would really like input on topics you would like to hear more about at our MSA meetings, our next one being on September 20. The agenda is not fixed in stone: they are to reflect medical staff business, so what would you like to hear? Do you have any comments about the venue / format? Please let us know at info@southislandmsa.ca.

Don Milliken

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